We started by flying to New York City for a couple of days sightseeing and the Sotheby's auction, staying at Jon's apartment in the city.  Then out to JFK and the long flight to Johannesburg, where most of our luggage showed up.  After a night there, it was off to Livingstone, Zambia, and a visit to Victoria Falls, the first stop on our safari.  The flight was interesting, two hours late for a one hour flight.  We took a bus (the first) from the terminal out to the plane; where, after boarding, we were told that there wasn't any fuel in Livingstone and that the plane could only get there and back if it was only half full, leaving behind the people waiting in the terminal for the second bus.  Apparently, while we were sitting on the runway, there may have been some sort of uprising in the terminal, because after a couple of hours another bus arrived and the plane filled up.  Luckily my missing luggage made its way to Livingstone somehow, and we drove out to our hotel to meet some of the rest of our group.  Then it was a late start to our drive over to the Victoria Falls.  They were flowing at about their minimum, the rainy season not yet in full force, but still spectacular.