I went to bed early and got up around 3:00 am for a bit of twitching (bird watching). The only way to see Gunnison Sage Grouse is to be at their lek well before sunrise, and wait patiently. I arrived at the parking area, overlooking a small valley, just before a caravan of four or five vans arrived, filled with birders. A volunteer stopped by and told me where to look (luckily), so I settled down in the car (nobody allowed outside, which would scare away the birds), window open, wrapped up in my sleeping bag, with spotting scope braced in the window. Did I mention that it was below freezing and snowing? The birds showed up, quite a ways off, did their mating dance thing, and flew off after about 25 minutes, just before sunrise. Tick Gunnison Sage Grouse, now off to Kansas, "List 'em and leave 'em", as Patti would say.