Next day we jumped on another train down to Milan, Italy, where we picked up our rental car. I know you've probably heard all this before, but just a word about the Italian drivers: THEY'RE MANIACS. What would pass for extreme road rage here in the USA is quite normal driving in Italy. We had a few hours drive down to Tuscany, mostly on a big freeway. Driving in the right lane could pass for anywhere in America, but from the middle line over was straight out of Nascar. The typical driver would zoom up, straddling the middle line, at about 120 miles per hour, to about three feet (that's 1 meter) from our bumper, and swerve out into the left lane to pass (with his right turn single left on permanently). My secret fantasy was for Dale Earnhardt, Jr., driving a 1000 horsepower Nascar Chevrolet, to arrive at the Italian's Ford Focus's bumper at 200 miles per hour, to show him how it's really done. The driving is similar on the extremely narrow, windy, hilly, two lane roads that make up the rest of Italy's highway system.