The camp had a large eating and meeting tent with bar, and a "view with a loo" looking out over the adjacent hippo pond.  The tents were pretty luxurious, with showers and an air horn.  Thuto explained the horn: It was for medical emergencies only.  "A hippo outside the tent is not a medical emergency.  If I have to come to investigate, I'll become the medical emergency."  When asked if he'd ever had any real medical emergencies, he said "Not yet."  He said the one time a couple had used the horn and really deserved to was when a passing elephant accidentally hooked one of their tent lines with a tusk.  They blew the horn as their tent was tumbled away, with them in it, startling the elephant even more.  Thuto had to run out, (in the dark and barefoot?) catch up to the elephant, and cut the line.