The "Folsom Veil"

The earliest mention of the "Folsom Veil" was in a letter from Lloyd Folsom to his fiancé, Anna Richards, in 1915:

Aunt Ethel [Saltus Ludington] called up this morning...  She spoke of some lace that my mother wore on her dress – that is, my grandmother, when she was married and from what Father and she say it is supposed to be very fine, etc. and I suppose it is although I of course don’t know beans about such things. There is the veil and lots more and Aunt Ethel as well as Father are anxious for you to wear it also if you wish to do so. It is out home and you can see it when you come out. I tell you this so that you may allow for it when you have your dress made.

The earliest bride, that I know of, to wear the "Folsom Veil" was Phoebe Brown Fenner Titus Folsom in 1858.

Here's my best guess list of the brides who have worn the veil, with links to some photos:

Phoebe B. F. Titus and Henry B. Folsom, 1858

Carolyn Saltus and Henry T. Folsom, 1886

Anna Richards and Henry Lloyd Folsom, 1915

Carolyn Folsom and William I. Stoddard, 1939

Charlotte Folsom and G. Robert Saunders, 1942

Eleanor Folsom and Heinz Barschall, 1955

Charlotte Stoddard and Mac Campbell, 1966

Ginny Folsom and Rick Umiker, 1980

Kris Abrahamson and Henry Folsom, 1988

Sarah Cohen and Peter Barschall, 1998

Miriam Clinton and Charles Umiker, 2009